Be still my beating heart!
I just cannot get enough of the amazing 'The Notebook'... it is just soooooo stunning and one of my favourite favourites EVER! RG and RM are just amazing.... I just want to eat RG with a spoon... really, really slowly! I haven't watched the movie in ages (of course, I own the DVD) and cried like it was the first time I ever saw it! Was so inspired that I pulled the book out again and re-reading. Only on pg 42, Allie has just arrived at Noah's .... eek! So can't remember how Nicholas Spark's set the story out, so interesting to re-read again!
And on Nicholas Sparks... like isn't he just the most amazing writer. His ideas and writing are just incredible. I think its his ideas that blow my mind. Wow! I haven't read 'Dear John' or 'The Last Song' yet and probably won't before I see the movies, but I saw on Twitter that Last Song is #1 on the USA Today best-seller list, and Dear John is #2. That as a writer must feel very, very good! Good on ya, Mr Sparks!
The other half is back to Uni so I'm left to my own devices mostly. Yesterday, I went and got 6 (yes, 6!) Romance movies. Watched 'Love in the time of cholera' last night. Couldn't finish the book (i really, really tried!) and in parts I found the movie slow too... but it was still ever so beautiful. Just beautiful. Will see what the other 5 hold!
Had to have a break from my new obsession - Stookie Stackhouse! Consumed 3 in 3 days.... need a rest now from how she continually gets beaten up! Love Anna Paquin... and Stephen has a damned sexy accent! Bet his delightful with whispering sweet nothings!
Ok, got to go...
Labels: nicholas sparks, the notebook